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sabato 30 marzo 2013

Vintage Workshop® Bologna for Luxury Fashion during Lineapelle 03-04.04.2013

Vintage Workshop® Bologna for Luxury Fashion

The exclusive Luxury Vintage Workshop® Bologna, organized by the Italian Association of the Vintage Hunters, will be held in Bologna to exhibit for sale+rent a wide range of period accessories, shoes, purses, travel bags, belts, buckles, metal studs, fastenings…
The show is dedicated to inspire and help focusing creativity for the top Haute Couture collections, limited editions, capsules of luxury fashion, capsules and for the extreme researches aimed at the R-to-W catwalks.

This technical event, unique in its genre all over Europe, has reached its 35th ed. in the different formats presented in Milano, (see the official web site of the project Milanofashioncity on ), Bologna and Firenze.

Especially addressed at an international audience of fashion professionals, designers, stylists, buyers and manufacturers of shoes, purses, accessories, it also welcomes private fans of top quality Vintage.
A great chance for an international audience to see one of the European largest and most comprehensive Vintage purses and shoes collections impossible to see elsewhere, lending a variety of creativity hints, ideas, clues, atmospheres, moods focused on the future collections S/Summer 2014.
Visitors will also have the chance to review a total new selection of recently discovered Vintage artworks, one-of-a-kind pieces, as well as the newly acquired rarest or most unique exemplars from the Vintage Workshop® ACCESSORIES ARCHIVES which are steadily in progress and constantly enhanced with new assortments by its founders, that will immediately be available for rent with ready pick-up on the spot.

The exhibited accessories are in different materials and come from world over with a special attention to “made in Italy” and European period pieces.


Afternoon entrance (1p.m. to 9p.m. non-stop):
professional and private visitors, specialty stores owners (non-clients): admission fee €20/each payable cash on the spot with entrance in the time range from 1 to 9 pm of both days.
The entrance fee at regular price will enable to receive a free gadget that will be handed over directly at the hospitality desk (subject to availability).
Reduced fare at €16 for Seniors over 65 and for students attending any Fashion Institute, Fashion University Faculties, DAMS and Academies of Arts, provided they show their student badge and identity card at the hospitality desk.

Possibility of entrance fee full refund by the 1st purchase of a minimum of €70.

Organizers emphasize the unmissable opportunity for students and recent graduates of the fashion Universities and Institutes to take part in a workshop at a minimum token price and, besides, the chance of entrance fee refund on a minimum basis of €70

Vintage Workshop® Bologna Luxury Fashion, at Savhotel on April 3-4 2013
DATES: April 3-4 2013 (during the first two days of LineaPelle Fair)
LOCATION: SAVHOTEL, Via Ferruccio Parri,9 40128 Bologna, Italy
at few hundreds mts from Fair main entrance “Costituzione”. 

Street View in Google maps:

Official Website:   

                                       Released by Comunicazione e Marketing Perla, Vicenza  03.26.2013

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